Clients – PTA UK
- Sunday Telegraph
- Wiltshire Business
- Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard
- Watford Observer
- Warrington Guardian
- Warrington Guardian
- This is Wiltshire
- This is Cheshire
- This is Cheshire Appleton Thorn
- This Is Wiltshire
- The Limavady Chronicle
- The Limavady Chronicle BallyKelly
- The Impartial Reporter
- The Impartial Reporter
- Shropshire Star
- Northwich Guardian
- Keighley News
- Keighley News
- Herts Advertiser
- Fermanagh Herald
- Eastend Life
- Antrim Times
- Bainbridge Leader
- Chippenham Caine Gazette
- Northwich Guardian
- Telegraph & Argus
- The Limavady Chronicle
- This is Wiltshire
- This is Wiltshire 1
- PTA - UK Warrington Guardian
- PTA - UK Warrington Guardian
- PTA - UK Watford Observer
- PTA - UK Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard
- PTA - UK Wiltshire Busienss
- PTA - UK Gold Awards
- PTA - UK Gold Awards
- PTA - UK Gold Awards
- PTA - UK